Zoho CRM Report overview and features

Zoho CRM Report

Before you dive into the report section and start clicking around, you have to think about what you want to measure and what kind of report you want to run?

Talking about what you want to measure, we all have similar metrics across organization, like revenue metrics or sales performance, but specific to your organization there are custom fields that you’re gathering data from and you use to measure performance?

Zoho Crm Report

For type of reports. How are you going to look at the data? Do you want to see it as a list? You want to group it into a bar chart? You want to group it into a pie chart. You want to see a trend line. Do you want to see a pivot table? So those are some things to consider before you before you dive in.

Instead of looking at the report section as a bunch of folders, lead reports, contact reports, deal reports. Try to look at them from a higher level. If you’re in the leadership side of your organization, you’re probably looking for something like business results, profit or revenue, trends for the past year, quarter to quarter, month to month.

If you are a in kind of the middle management position, you’re managing a team of sales reps are support people, you’re looking at, what’s what their daily activities are. What’s in the funnel? Are we going to hit targets? What is their duration of the sales cycle? And then if you’re a sales rep you want to see what you have to do each day. You want to see your metrics and measure against your peers, and ensure you’re performing well on the team.

These are the three categories that reports would most likely be grouped into. If you’re brainstorming on what reports you need to try to figure out in which category that would belong or if you have a certain role at your company, you point yourself in the right direction of what’s most important to you to see every single day.

When we think about reports, we want to start by just asking ourselves, some questions, forget all the data, ask yourself a question, like, know, I wonder how many deals will be closed this week, or how many deals were lost this month? Who is my top salesperson? Maybe, i want to see my sales people side by side and see who’s having the most output or I want to see the total revenue for the quarter for the week. I want to see total revenue by person. I want to see total revenue by product for the week.

So, these are some things to consider we’ve thrown into some parameters which are date, or owner or product and these are categories you’re summarizing your data to

Let’s demo three things in the CRM.

  • Pre-built reports
  • Custom reports
  • Schedule reports

Pre-built reports

When I referenced earlier you have the deals reports, the leads reports activities reports, there’s about 40 or so reports already pre-built in the CRM. You can click on any of these reports there are little description on the reports as well. If you’re learning the report section, this is the best way to learn rather than reading the boring user guide and figuring out how to cross reference data and modules. Just pick a report and look at how it’s built, click edit and see how we’ve configured it and that will help you build additional reports and you can use those reports as a template to build other reports.

Go ahead and open up the reporting module, on the left-hand side you’re going to have some folders of different pre-built reports that we have here ready for you. There are leads by source, leads by status and they’re broken down into each module on the left-hand side.

For deals, we see sales this month, pipeline by stage, and it will give you a description here in the middle. And on the right-hand side, it’s going to tell you the last run date.

Leeds by source

This is just showing use where out lead came from, did they come from an advertisement or cold call? There is a prebuilt chart here for you. Broken down here there’s a number count and a percentage. And if I hover over each section of the pie chart, I can drill down and open these up and it’s going to give me all the records that are part of this lead source.

Zoho Crm Report | Boosted Crm

If I want to go ahead and open up one of these and edit the record. I can go straight from the report and open up the record itself, and make changes.

Pick a report, click on it. You’ll see a table. You’ll see a chart you can edit that report make some quick changes and see how it affects it and that way they’ll kind of help you get learning. More importantly though every business has custom metrics.

You can go all the way down to the module level at first pick the modules, you would like to cross reference. Think of the modules and their relationships to each other. You can have an accounts module, or you can see that counts that are related to contacts and deals. So you could run information between those three modules together. You also have the leads module. If you want to see the activities and lead module, you can grab those two modules and run them and cross reference fields from all those and combine them together. So that is the first piece you need to think about. Where is my data coming from?

Types of reports

This is just a simple list of data. It’s like looking at an excel spreadsheet. You just want to pull a table out of the CRM, pick the columns. That’s your tabular report.

The next one and probably the most common report that we see including into pre-built reports themselves, is the summary report. The definition of reporting is to just group your data into little summaries and that’s exactly what it does. Any of your fields can be used as a way to group the data. So that’s why it’s really popular.

Once you summarize data you can visualize it on a bar chart or a pie chart because it cuts it based on those little summaries that you fix.

The last one is called the matrix report and i personally feel that’s kind of a misnomer those of us who are very experienced with excel. We’ve learned that to be a pivot table so you’re taking two fields of reference and you’re finding a common data points, so whether it’s how many months against how many sales reps, and then a common data point could be the revenue, or the number of deals or the number of tasks that’s what the matrix report is.

If you pick a summary report, or a tabular report, because it creates a chart for you. You can pick the different columns on the summary report. You have to pick the groupings. You’re not limited to one group; you can do up to three levels of grouping ascending or descending. And then lastly are the filters. The filters are super important. When you see standard filters in the CRM, it means date filters. Every single module has the same date filters created time, modify time last activity time. You could always see that every single module. If you created your own date fields or type date time fields, you’ll see those in that list and then in particular modules, like tasks, you’ll see the due date or in deals, you’ll see the closing date. It filters, all of those out and puts them in that section for you.

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