Comparison of Zoho CRM Plus vs. Zoho One

Zoho CRM Plus vs. Zoho One

Our business model, no matter the industry, has evolved over the years, and it continues to shift as our technology advances and our communication strategies increase in capability. Our storage system has changed from filing cabinets to cloud-based, and it’s rare to find a land-line telephone on a desk anymore since email and smartphones have become our primary communication tools.

The internet and our smart devices have allowed us to conduct our business no matter where we are and no matter the day of the week or time of day. These huge and quick advancements have forced us to think differently and just as quickly for our businesses and how we conduct our day-to-day responsibilities.

Since so much of our work and information is stored in some kind of digital capacity, we must also consider how we operate and run our responsibilities. It doesn’t make long-term sense to conduct some of our business in the cloud and other areas in separate verticals or methods. Productivity software has emerged as a leading way for all internal teams to collaborate more efficiently, removing the option for duplication and eliminating risk for error. Teams can communicate in real-time digitally and through the software to save time and energy, while other areas of the job are being completed through customized automation.

Introducing Zoho

Zoho is one of the biggest competitors in the market for productivity software for small to medium businesses. The creators understand that in order to take advantage of this digital era in which we’re all living now, the business model must be able to completely run digitally as well. This software allows businesses to incorporate all of their teams to work together to make the overall process easier, faster, and more effective. Aligning efforts from these teams will eliminate duplicative efforts and will help processes move at faster speeds.

Zoho Crm Plus Vs. Zoho One

Differentiating Zoho CRM Plus and Zoho One

Within the Zoho umbrella, there are several options to choose from for your business, depending on your size, industry, needs, and goals. Since every business and company is unique in mission and goals, Zoho can help you better understand what you’ll specifically need to translate your own personal success. While each package and approach has proven successful for others, it’s important to understand the differences in features of both to better determine what is the most suitable for you and your company.

What it is

Zoho CRM Plus is a platform that will help understand and track your sales funnel, uniting all the teams that help and assist with generating revenue. This platform makes for an easy experience for all teams involved to ensure a successful sales season. Zoho One is a platform that provides a more advanced and full-circle experience beyond just sales. Other teams and departments can all use this platform to run the business.


Both Zoho CRM Plus and Zoho One provide various pricing plans to cater to your needs. Again, depending on your organization’s size and foreseeable user count, the plans may vary. You’ll want to take a massive inventory of who will be needing to use the platform before making your final decision to truly get an understanding of what your cost will be for each comparison.

Zoho CRM Plus has a pretty standard pricing structure. For an annual subscription, the platform can be as low as $50 per month per user. If you choose to pay month-to-month instead, it’s $60 per month per user. There is also the option to take advantage of a free trial if you’re a bit unsure as to what to select.

Zoho Crm Plus Vs. Zoho One | Boosted Crm

While it of course entirely depends on the size of your organization, the pricing options may not prove to be a big concern for Zoho One. If you have an organization that is fluid on how many users you’ll need for the platform, there are plans that range from $75-$90 per user if not every individual needs to use it. If you foresee every employee needing the platform, the cost drops to about $30-$35 per user.

Needs for sales

Not every organization relies on sales of a product or a service to make business work. There also might be organizations that do in fact rely on sales but don’t need the intricate sales funnels to make their process work.

Zoho CRM Plus is designed for these businesses that need their sales team to identify gaps, tackle lead generation, and enhance prospects. Zoho CRM Plus can deliver these detailed insights so your sales team can take their meetings with greater data education and deliverable insights to the client or agency. Your marketing and support teams will also be able to enhance this experience with the options available with Zoho CRM Plus.

Zoho One is more a of a 360-approach to your business if you’re looking for ways to manage all of your structures in one place. While Zoho One can help with the sales and marketing teams, the focus won’t be as tedious in these departments. You’ll be able to conduct the full breadth of your business with Zoho One so that all departments can use the same productivity platform.

Overall, Zoho has made an impressive name for itself in the CRM industry, proving to be a top contender in the productivity software marketplace. With advanced technology continuing to evolve, Zoho has followed along and more importantly, kept up. With Zoho CRM Plus, your sales and marketing efforts will have a bulls-eye approach to the market with incredible data and insight capabilities. Zoho One has the ability to practically run your whole business, with all of your departments beyond just sales and marketing using the platform to maintain day-to-day operations. Depending on your company’s short and long-term goals, one platform might be better for you over the other. It’s helpful to take a thorough inventory of your headcount as well as your ultimate goals as a company to better determine which package suits those goals.

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