Zoho CRM and Shopify integration for eCommerce businesses

Zoho CRM and Shopify: eCommerce and Your Business

Digital technology and the internet have completely transformed every single business model. From instant communication to the ease of publishing to shopping without ever leaving your seat, the average consumer now obtains content, information, and even goods completely differently than say, just 10 years ago.

Retailers have had to reexamine their strategies due to the epic increase in online consumption. While many still do their shopping in traditional physical stores and locations, online retailers like Amazon have benefited from the surge of online shopping. From everyday household items and groceries to electronics and clothing, we can now purchase practically anything from the world wide web. Due to this ease of use and massive exposure, other smaller retailers and businesses have had to adapt their own selling strategies to fit this new business model.

Zoho CRM can help streamline and automate many processes that your company utilizes, guiding your teams towards a more efficient daily routine. With technology on our side, your customized Zoho CRM can help cater to your specific needs as a growing company and help your employees analyze possible growth avenues and identify areas for improvement. With Zoho working with an ear to the ground for your sales pillar, your reps can spend more facetime in the field with existing and potential partners.

Zoho Crm And Shopify Ecommerce And Your Business

Why Shopify?

Shopify is an ecommerce platform that specializes in assisting owners distribute their products online. Because so many independent contractors and small businesses are taking matters into their own hands and trying to grow their brand as best as they can, Shopify helps with the process, organization, and all the elements involved when it comes to online selling. With over a million users worldwide, Shopify has become the largest platform for those that need help selling their product.

Shopify and Zoho CRM Integration

One of the greatest integrations you can take advantage of within your customized Zoho CRM is including Shopify in your program blueprint. Syncing the efforts of Shopify with your Zoho CRM means that all teams that need to be updated on sales, shipping, distribution, and customer feedback will be alerted properly and efficiently.

One of the biggest strengths of Shopify is that the application is essentially self-run so that your company can focus on strategies for growing brand awareness, brainstorming new products, and ideating new ways to generate revenue. Here are some of the benefits your company can appreciate by integrating this ecommerce platform with your customized Zoho CRM program:

  • No Design Skills Required: If you have a development or design team within your organization, you can rest easy since creating your domain and online store won’t require their bandwidth. You can choose from hundreds of themes and templates so you can make sure that your company’s site stays true to its brand voice and presentation. This grants you complete control over your site’s capabilities and features.
  • Streamline Your Steps: Selling your products and essentially your brand is a large undertaking and requires incredible care and attention. With Shopify, your processes can be managed all in one place, and by integrating with your Zoho CRM, these steps can simultaneously be synced with your CRM program, meaning that all teams involved will receive the updates as they come in. Their responsibilities to each task involved will be either automated or be communicated with online notifications. With Shopify, your company can manage unlimited products and inventory, fulfil orders in a single step, and most importantly, track sales and growth trends.
  • Let Shopify Take Over: Any successful business model needs a strong marketing team to implement proper awareness strategies for your brand and your brand’s products. One of the benefits of using Shopify with your Zoho CRM is that they can handle the marketing efforts so that your own marketers can focus on other awareness projects and angles without losing sight on the selling efforts. The avenues that Shopify uses can be improved with your own team so that the awareness and generation factors are as strong as possible.
  • Branch Out into Other Platforms: Social media started out as platforms to keep in touch with one another and gain an inside peek into other peoples’ lives. As they’ve grown and enhanced with more and more capabilities, there is now the chance to sell via these platforms. If your brand has a social media presence, it’s a wildly great idea to consider these channels to sell your product. Shopify can help with this, and once implemented, your Zoho CRM can add in these steps for your team members involved with marketing and/or social media promotion.
Zoho Crm And Shopify Ecommerce And Your Business 2
  • Shipping and Payment Capabilities: With so many payment methods available these days, it can be difficult to choose which options your business should select for acceptable forms of payment. Shipping can also be tricky when dealing with rates, legal rules, and how much discount your business can offer for your customers. Shopify helps with deciding on all of these things and will help your internal teams keep track of all of the factors involved in making sales and tracking the processes.

When You Need Some Help

Zoho understands that integrating other programs into your customized CRM platform can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to onboarding the rest of your staff in using the new features. Ultimately, the major purpose of Zoho CRM is to help make your business processes easier and more streamlined. There are tons of available online help features via Zoho, and if you’re hoping for a more specific guide on Shopify, they also offer 24/7 customer support.

Bottom Line

Shopify is the #1 ecommerce platform for small businesses, and it’s helped thousands of brands grow into successful companies. By integrated Shopify with your customized Zoho CRM, your teams can trust that sales, distribution, and customer satisfaction are all guarantees from Shopify. This means that your internal teams can focus on additional strategies and efforts when it comes to overall brand awareness. Your processes are about to get way easier, and your sales are about to get way higher!

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