Data Migration process from FileMaker to Zoho illustration

Data Migration from FileMaker to Zoho

Whether your business is your own or you’re simply on the task force of researching alternative CRM models, it can seem overwhelming when it comes to analyzing all of the options that you have. Our digital world has gifted us with tremendous advancements when it comes to gathering insights and analyzing data, but after a while, it might seem like all the CRM providers promise the same thing. It can be tricky to sift through the clutter and determine what is best for your business. 

With all of this mind, there’s a common approach to comparing these models side-by-side. By looking at pricing, product features and capabilities, support and customer service, as well as just general functionality, this data will help you decide what will be the best solution for you company as well as for your employees. There are two models that continue to be mentioned in the mainstream. Zoho has proven itself to be a leader in this space for quite some time and has shown considerable market share, while FileMaker is newer to the market but promises some of the same insights and data for your business. By looking at both platforms side-by-side, there are considerable identifications that set the two apart.

  • Competitive pricing

Over and over again, Zoho continues to prove its leadership in the competitive landscape because it provides the most competitive pricing structure in comparison. Not only does it offer low prices, but it also provides a customizable frame so that your business can choose the best package that suits your needs. You can choose either a monthly payment or an annual subscription, which is a great option for businesses that may be just starting out or wanting to try a trial-and-error approach with what best suits them. In comparison to the pricing structure of FileMaker, Zoho is considerably less in scale and only offers either a flat one-time payment option or an annual subscription. Users have reported that this feels pressuring and slightly suffocating.

Data Migration From Filemaker To Zoho
  • Based on the cloud for optimum productivity

So much of what we do now is on-the-go and managing projects wherever you happen to be at all hours of the day. Sometimes we need multiple devices depending on where we are, and often times we’ll need to access materials without having to worry about transferring them to a hard drive or emailing them to ourselves. This can be clunky, time-consuming, and ultimately doesn’t guarantee storage capacity or deliverability, which is why so many companies in today’s day and age have chosen to migrate to the cloud to manage their business. The cloud also caters to web-based activity so collaboration can be done in real-time, moving processes faster and more efficiently through the funnel. With that, in comparison, Zoho is cloud-based while FileMaker is not. For some companies this may not be a deal breaker, but as we continue to move forward in the 21st century, it’s a high detail to consider when choosing a platform for the management of your company.

  • Mobile accessibility including Android

Most platforms these days offer mobile capability given the world that we’re now in. It’d be remiss for a provider to not have that option, but it’s also a massive assumption to make that people only have an iOS. While generally speaking that could work for the majority of users, it’s not the case across the board. Zoho offers its services to Android users as well, not just for iOS users. This might be a small detail to include, but as our technology continues to develop and improve, its crucial to think about the users and what their experience could be like. It could also save your company a lot of money in the long-run so your employees won’t need to get new phones just to be compatible with the mobile capabilities.

  • Supports independent freelancers

Both Zoho and FileMaker support small to medium-sized businesses, but what sets Zoho apart from FileMaker in this instance is that Zoho also supports freelancers. With digital running business nowadays, so many individuals are following their own paths and starting either their side business or something that could potentially exist as their primary business. With this in mind, Zoho can support those independent thinkers that will one day want to branch out as an entrepreneur. If they already have a built-in relationship with Zoho, it’s likely that they’ll continue that partnership out of comfort, familiarity, and loyalty. Catering to these ambitious thinkers also helps Zoho keep their product inventory fresh and diverse.

Data Migration From Filemaker To Zoho | Boosted Crm
  • Relevance and market share

There are instances where this wouldn’t be necessary to point out, but when it comes to your business and how you can best manage it, it’s crucial to take a look at what other companies are using and how these CRM systems are competing with one another. There are reasons that the leaders remain leaders in the space, and by taking notice who their top clients are, it’s something to consider if growth is on your short or long-term plan. No matter the sourcing, almost always Zoho is within the top 5 of CRM tools in the marketplace worldwide. FileMaker is simply hard to find on that list, so it can be tricky trusting the intricate details of your business with a platform that is trying to prove itself as a worthy competitor.

Your business is unique and requires individual capabilities that match your short and long-term goals. You’ll know what’s best for your employees and your company better than anyone else will, which is why this decision is ultimately your own. After looking at Zoho in comparison to FileMaker, however, it’s clear that Zoho will be able to deliver your specific automation needs and usability better than FileMaker can. It’s worth it to keep an eye on both of these platforms as the years go on, as innovation is constant, and surely both will be doing their due diligence in staying relevant and competitive.

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